How do we work?

We specialize in corporate clients, shops, services, schools, offices, etc.
But of course we also deliver to households..

Our customers are those who do not want to choose from the so-called "sideways" on the Internet.
We know how difficult it is to understand the offers on the Internet, when everyone promises the so-called "blue from the sky".

Our customers are those who:

they don't want to get caught up in quality
they do not risk payment in advance or cash on delivery
they want to optimize printing costs
will appreciate the individual approach
they want to buy from someone who actually has the item physically in stock
Therefore, we would be happy if you would contact us either by phone, email or via the contact form below.
We will be happy to call you afterwards or come to see you and talk about the possibilities of how we can be of benefit to you.

I look forward to working

Francis Kyncl

Tel: +420 724 175 364
email:  GREMATA s.r.o.
  Svratouch 367, 539 42 Svratouch
  IČ: 27869784, DIČ: CZ27869784

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